Nut Free Snacks

When it comes to purchasing nut free snacks, Home Free offers a great selection of snacks that are very delicious and which also do not contain nuts or peanuts or even eggs or dairy produce. For those who have not tried out nut free snacks from Home Free, now is the time to change things. These snacks are free of a great number of allergens and are made in the best as well as dedicated facilities. What’s more, the snacks are made of whole grains and can also boast of having obtained the approval of the Whole Grain Council.
Home Free
The good part about Home Free nut free snacks is that you can serve them with complete confidence to your kids and guests knowing that they are absolutely healthy and safe. Their nut free snacks contain no peanuts or tree nuts or eggs or dairy or wheat though they might, in some products, use some amount of soy lecithin. The thing that makes these nut free snacks so good for you is that they are so delicious that you just will not be able to tell that they are allergy-free.
Enjoy Life Very Berry Crunch Granola
Enjoy Life Very Berry Crunch Granola is another option that is worth checking out. These nut free snacks provide fruity bites of the crunchiest brown rice granola that is combined with strawberries and raspberries. These are perfect snacks with which to start off one’s day and are also ideal snacks for enjoying on the trail and on the beach as well as on the go.
Mountain Mambo
Mountain Mambo is another option for those who are looking for nut free snacks. These nut free trail mix products contain only sunflower seed and pumpkin seeds as well as fruit and chocolate chips. This is one nut free trail mix that is certainly most delicious and it also very wholesome and is a wonderful snack for kids who are allergic to nuts.
Enjoylife Cranapple Crunch Granola offers another option for those who are looking for nut free snacks. These are delicious and very crunchy and make for an excellent snack for those who have nut allergies.
AllerEnergy Bars, Amanda’s Own Confections, and Cherry brook kitchen cookies are suitable for nut free snacks. AllerEnergy brand products are ideal for not only those with active food allergies but also for athletes and people of all age groups. Their policy is to exclude peanuts, gluten, eggs, soy, milk/dairy, tree nuts and fish as well as corn, sesame, potatoes and sunflower.
Amanda’s Own Confection offers delicious chocolates that are all natural and also absolutely tree-nut free, dairy free and peanut and egg as well as gluten free. In fact, Amanda’s Own Confection has also been feature as one of the Top Allergy-Friendly Food Finds by Forbes. So, if you are looking for the best nut free snacks then it certainly will pay to check them out.
CherryBrook Kitchen has a mission to provide the most delicious and all natural baking mixes to help people with food allergies overcome their dietary restrictions. Their baking mixes are peanut free, dairy free and egg and also nut-free.