Allergy to Nuts

Allergy is a symptom of the body’s defense mechanism gone wrong, and gone wrong against itself. Allergy happens whenever the body’s immunological system gets the wrong impression that it is under attack by foreign harmful substances. When the immunological system reacts like that to nuts, we have the case of allergy to nuts. Nuts that can elicit an allergenic reaction in body include Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, almonds, walnuts and other types of tree nuts. Though peanuts are not nuts but legumes, their biological makeup is similar to nuts, which means that they also provoke the same type of reaction in the people suffering from nut allergy, as nuts. Here we talk about the internal mechanism of the allergy to nuts, and its most common symptoms in the four major biological systems of the human body.
Dynamics of an Allergenic Reaction
People with an allergy to nuts have a problem with their immunological system, such that their immunological system reacts to nuts as if it had been attacked by harmful antigens. The body reacts by producing immunoglobulin (IgE).
Immunoglobulin then affects the release of many antibodies, including histamine. Histamine is the standard bearer of inflammatory response to any foreign attack on the body. But in this scenario, it gets triggered wrongfully, but it still acts as if the nut particles were foreign harmful substances. Histamine is released from mast cells, and these are more numerous in the areas where there is more chance of injury. This includes skin. This is the reason that allergy to nuts so often results in rashes and other type of skin problems.
Other types of problems that skin goes through with the allergenic reaction include wheezing, hives and eczema. The skin may take a reddish hue under this duress. The gastrointestinal system reacts with belly cramps, stomach ache and vomiting. The respiratory system reacts with a runny nose, watery eyes, coughing, sneezing and wheezing. The cardiovascular system reacts to nut allergy with light headedness or in extreme cases, fainting.
Perhaps the worst reaction of allergy to nuts is anaphylaxis. This is a potentially life threatening reaction in which the subjects blood pressure drops just as his or her airways swell. This results in loss of consciousness for the subject. In such scenarios, medical attention is the top priority for the subject or patient.
Nut Allergy Bracelets
Allergy bracelets are worn by those suffering from allergies to indicate that they are suffering from allergies, and to indicate what substance they are allergic to. The allergenic substance is usually mentioned on the bracelet by an engraving or a printing. Sometimes it is just written on it using a marker. The important role of a nut allergy bracelet is to tell the medical personnel what allergy the patient is suffering from. This allows them to give proper care to the patient in case the patient has passed out in an anaphylaxis reaction to his or her allergy to nuts.
The sure way to avoid an allergenic reaction to nuts is to avoid nuts. But even after avoiding nuts, you should be prepared for an allergenic reaction by always wearing an allergy bracelet. This will tell anyone who comes in contact with you that you have an allergy to nuts, and hence will allow them to not use nuts in your presence.